Waitākere College

Year 13 Drama Camp

Over the weekend the Year 13 Drama class travelled to the Karangahake Gorge to learn about site-specific theatre and complete their devising assessment.
We stayed two nights in the countryside of Waikino, which was previously a bustling gold mining town. Over the weekend we learned about the gold mining history, the local Māori myths and legends, and the current environmental conservation of the area.
Students then created original pieces of theatre on-site in the beautiful Karangahake Gorge, gaining a massive 5 credits in the process. We were lucky enough to have gorgeous weather the whole time we were away! 

A huge thank you to all of the students who attended this camp and made it such a fun experience. You were all-inclusive, mature, respectful, and hardworking - an absolute pleasure to take away even when you managed to get THREE balls stuck up a tree!
Also a huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Margan for coming away with us and being Drama teachers for the weekend. We appreciate you!

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