Amidst the excitement of a new school year, families gathered at school for a fun and informative evening.

Amidst the excitement of a new school year, families gathered once again for our annual 'Meat and Greet' for the Year 9 BBQ.
This year's gathering was a fantastic opportunity for students, whanāu, and teachers to come together in a relaxed environment, forging connections and strengthening the bonds that will shape their children's high school experience over the coming years.
Principal Shanahan's inspiring presentations set the tone for the evening, illuminating the school's ethos and values of Learning, Caring and Respect. Parents had the chance to meet Year 9 Deans and teachers, gaining valuable insights into the school's inner workings and practical strategies to support students and help them keep on track using their student planners.
Our newly appointed prefects had the opportunity to hone their BBQ skills and showed what a fantastic team they are, helping out throughout the evening.
Thank you to all the students and families that could attend.