Waitākere College

Outward Bound; a 21 Day Journey for the Mind, Body and Soul

During the recent school holidays, Students Olivia Blackman, Enzo Craig-Smith, Tia Fetu Mapu and Taipua Kipa were all selected on scholarship to attend the Outward Bound Mind, Body and Soul programme for 21 days. Located in Anakiwa, which is a 30 minute ferry ride from Picton in the South Island, the camp is designed to build transferable skills and attitudes. The Mind, Body, Soul course focuses on helping teens build the independence and leadership qualities to make the most of their final school years and take on the new challenges lying ahead with confidence and self-belief.

- Miss Storer

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The 21 days themselves were packed full of challenging adventures. Tramping, kayaking, rock climbing, coasteering, sailing, and numerous team/self-building activities pushed us both physically and mentally. Learning phrases like “ma te wa” (time will tell), and “the hard-easy” (doing the task so it doesn’t get harder down the road), we lived spontaneously and discovered ways to bring these lessons back to Auckland with us. Outward Bound was a very challenging and rewarding experience. Finishing the course by running a half marathon (21km), I definitely exceeded my own expectations and felt like I was returning home having achieved something important, not only on the course but within myself. I highly recommend this Outward Bound 21-day mind, body, and soul course to anyone looking for an opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone.

- Olivia Blackman


At Outward Bound there is not a day that goes by that you are doing nothing, there is always something new that the instructors have to throw at you. Some crazy experiences included two multiple-day hikes, sailing for four days, spending the nights sleeping on the boat, rock climbing on an actual rock face, and being dropped off in the bush in the middle of the night to spend two nights completely alone (apart from the possums and the little thieving wekas). I also found that Outward Bound was a great way to get fit. Every morning we went on a 3km run and finished with a swim that was building up to our final challenge which was a 21km half marathon along the Queen Charlotte track. That run might sound like hell to most people, and I thought so too, but completing it was genuinely one of the best feelings ever. I recommend this experience to anyone who's feeling a lack of purpose, Outward Bound has taught me many things I didn’t even know about myself.

 - Enzo Craig-Smith


We scaled mountains 1,200 metres tall, sailed through the pristine waters of Tōtaranui, and tramped through thick forests with strips of dangling moss, like a scene straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. We had close encounters with the guardians of Queen Charlotte Sound: acrobatic kekeno (seals), vast swarms of moon jellyfish, wise rūrū (moreporks), and sneaky weka. At night time we had the opportunity to go to the waterfront jetty and if you were curious enough you would find yourself entranced by the bioluminescent lights amongst the baby fish. But this paradise came with its share of challenges you’d never expect-that tested our minds, bodies, and souls. We were pushed to our limits and our breaking points, inheriting skills that will last a lifetime. From navigating hilltops to finding our way through life's new normal, each step brought fresh challenges and discoveries. I learned to step back and observe the little things in the environment, which made me appreciate my loving family and friends more than ever. 'Outward Bound' is a nautical phrase used to describe a ship leaving the harbour to head for open seas. So, the journey truly begins as we depart the sanctuary of Anakiwa and transfer the skills learned into our everyday lives. When asked, "How was your trip?" my response is always, "Absolutely insane." I would do it again and 100% recommend this experience to anyone seeking one step closer to becoming their best self. A quote that resonates with me after my experience at Outward Bound: "On and on you will hike. And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are." the master of quotes Dr Suess.

- Taipua Kipa

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