Waitākere College

Pink Shirt Day

On Friday 17th May, Waitākere College took part in supporting Pink Shirt Day which is run by the Mental Health Foundation NZ. Pink Shirt Day is a day when Aotearoa shows its support and raises awareness around bullying by wearing a pink shirt. This year the Level 2 Health Education classes organised activities and events for the week of Pink Shirt Day to raise awareness around the school. 

Throughout the week we had colouring-in and t-shirt design competitions, a quiz, appreciation and shout-out cards along with a photo booth and photo frames on the day. 

This year the students had an opportunity to join the staff in celebrating anti-bullying by wearing a pink shirt and pink accessories on Friday. This was a special occasion for the students and staff and it was awesome to see the amount of support throughout the week and on Friday.

A heartfelt thank you to the senior leadership team, Miss Gardyne, Miss McFall, and Miss Hutson for their hard work and the Level 2 health students for all their effort and mahi making this week and day a success.

Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!

 - Miss Fearnley

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