At Waitākere College, we are proud to use a product called Pulse to measure the well-being of our students. It assesses the well-being of individual students so that the school can respond to those who express a need for help from supporting staff. Pulse will collect anonymized data on the emotional, physical, and social drivers of well-being so that we can make changes based on student’s voices.
For information about this initiative, please visit this website, where you will find FAQs and more detailed information, including the privacy policy and process descriptions.
We have carefully considered how we will implement this initiative.
Our students will be expected to complete their Pulse check-ins weekly during their junior Science lessons or individually as many times as they wish through a bookmark in their web browser. The school pastoral care team will review the data to get their feedback about what is going well and what can be improved around the school.
Many of our feeder schools are using the same platform and seeing great results, so we look forward to extending this platform to Waitākere College.
Please get in touch with any questions you may have. We look forward to working as a community to measure and promote well-being and engagement at our school.