Waitākere College

Opening Evening

Our open evening on Thursday night was a huge success

Year 8 students and their whānau from around West Auckland arrived last night for our ever-popular Open Evening.

Prospective students were taken on student lead tours around the school where they viewed the departments, met students and teachers and viewed demonstrations from each department.

Many kids and parents enjoyed the interactive activities and science experiments as well as viewing the schools huge array of facilities, technology and range of subjects available.

A crowd favourite was sampling the Food Technology treats, soup, hot dogs and student barista-made hot chocolate.

The tour ended with a play on the Gymnasium equipment and games of table tennis, shooting hoops and tennis ball slingshots, it was great to see many parents also swinging from the gymnasium ropes!

Lots of former Waitākere students, now parents of 12 and 13-year-olds were interested to see how much the school has changed over the last decade or so and excited to be back at Waitākere College, this time supporting their own children through the beginning of their High School experience.

If you couldn't make the open evening and you can book in for a daytime tour on Tuesday 2nd August - 9 or 10 am, Thursday 4th August - 9 or 10 am or Tuesday 9th August - 9 or 10 am, please phone 09 8367890 to reserve your spot as these are filling fast.

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