Waitākere College

International Department Farewell

International Department Farewell

This Term we said goodbye to Ginshi Murase from Japan, who has been a student with us since January. Ginshi was originally due to leave us at the end of Term 2, but to make the most of his time here his parents agreed to let him stay stayed an extra Term – and his English skills really improved as a result of all his hard work and focus during both Lockdowns with his homestay family.

Ginshi has made many friends throughout the school by demonstrating his skill with card tricks and video games, and getting involved in Polyfest, Arts and Culture week, Basketball, Badminton, Drumming, Chinese lessons, and other activities.

Many of our Japanese students had to leave very suddenly in Term 1 when the first lockdown was called, so we are glad that we had this chance to give Ginshi a proper farewell and we wish him all the best for his future studies